
hallo, mr ween (:

Posted on: November 2, 2009

It was Halloween yesterday, on the 31st of October, and after happy window-shopping at Kensington Market (and grocery shopping at Oriental Harvest), we visited Deming’s place at Kensington Place before getting a call from Annie, asking if we wanted to go to Church Street for a costume contest and just walk around.

Said yes, and it was the most fun ever!

People in dramatic, flamboyant and all sorts of funny-cool-pretty costumes walked the catwalk road of Wellesey Street, and strutted their stuff in a costume contest. I was so smitten with some of them! Particularly Alice in Wonderland’s the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts, as well as Peter Pan! Omg. Peter pan stole my heart for the night. :D Boyish good looks with a charismatically handsome smile, oh, don’t get me started. (:

I actually saw him at the subway while on the way here, except that he was wearing his coat, so I didn’t ask to take a picture. But the moment he passed me by on the street, I was so excited that I blurted “Peter Pan!” and he turned around happily, and sportingly gave a pose! That explains the bemused look on his friend’s face.

And this is the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter bowing to the announcement of them winning second place. :D

That said, check out my facebook photos for more. :D Google was also on a party rampage:

So if you click once, you get this:

Second time:

Third time, candies are all eaten:

And then it brings you to a search result page for the search word: “halloween”. Cool stuff eh? They’re definitely outdoing themselves here, but I think they need better designers to up a notch. (:

Also, we carved pumpkins! We being Evelyn and I. :D I named mine Vincent and she named hers Bucky. :D Here’s a photo of the two:

Happy Halloween! (:

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